Why do gay men get hiv easier than others

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Nevertheless, as with many stereotypes it proceeds from a grain of truth, however hard that may be for anyone’s wounded gay pride to accept. Yes, the way I have opened the article is deliberately provocative because it seems to draw on a certain stereotype. No, not all white cis gay males are selfish. OK, let’s issue the disclaimer right now. This may seem like a somewhat theatrical way to open an article that admittedly already has a title seemingly drawn from the annals of ‘How To Achieve The Best Click-Bait’ but, after a number of false starts, it seemed the best and most succinct manner in which to begin. Jon B gives his opinion on why gay men need to do better by the rest of the LGBTQ+ community. As LGBTQ+ equality moves forward, we are increasingly presented with the selfishness of the white cis gay man.

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